If you are looking to purchase a property in the Orchid Lake Village UNIT 10 HOA the resources below may be of help. You may want to first determine if the property that you are thinking about buying is, in fact, in our HOA.  You can look at our HOA Area Map to help you find that out. You may also want to visit our FAQ page for further information about our HOA.

Pasco County Property Appraiser: (727) 847-8151
Pasco County Code Enforcement:  (727) 847-8171
Pasco County Tax Collector:  (727) 847-8032
Pasco County Animal Control:  (813) 929-1212
Pasco Government Center:  (727) 847-8165
Citizens Property Insurance Company: (866) 411-2742
Pasco County Non-Emergency: (727) 847-8102
(rather than calling 911 if it’s not an emergency)